person sat at a laptop looking stressed

CreativeRace offers free solutions to marketers & business owners

We’re giving brands and business owners the chance to have their marketing questions answered for free this summer.

Since the pandemic, the number of businesses looking towards marketing themselves online has skyrocketed. Since 2020, 63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets (HubSpot State of Marketing Report, 2021).

However, staying up to date with the latest industry trends and challenges can be tricky – especially for time-pressed business owners.

Responding to this increased demand, our team will be answering marketing queries and offering bespoke solutions, completely free of charge throughout August and September.

Business owners, founders and marketers are invited to send their marketing challenges and questions through an online contact form, with the CreativeRace team reading and responding to all submissions.

One lucky winner will also be selected to have their solutions implemented – free of charge.

In addition to putting together personalised solutions for each and every query, We’ve launched a self-serve knowledge hub, where marketers and business owners can look up answers to problems they may be facing and see what other companies have been asking. The hub will be kept up to date with the latest submissions, seeing our team share their industry expertise to help business owners with their marketing

CreativeRace CEO Rob Shaw said: “We have noticed a marked increase in the number of businesses reaching out over the past couple of years. The pandemic sped up many companies’ reliance on digital, causing firms to look for external support, especially in the case of smaller businesses where they may not have the expertise in-house.

“It’s understandable that not all businesses may have the resource to hire full-time employees to focus on the likes of SEO, PPC and PR. By making digital support accessible to everyone, we hope to educate, engage and inspire businesses, offering them the tools to improve their digital presence.

“As an integrated agency, we’re very lucky to have a team of talented marketers who excel in their fields, and we want to share this knowledge with businesses across the region and beyond.”

“As with most disciplines, you can only get so far in Digital Marketing through reading. Beyond that it comes down to application and problem-solving experience. Anyone who has met me at a roundtable event or similar knows that I never come with an agenda and simply aim to listen and help people wherever I can. This initiative is an extension of that, bringing value to businesses that might otherwise be unable to engage with experts and offering us the chance to engage in unique challenges and learning opportunities. A genuine win-win situation.”, added Malcolm Slade, Performance Director.

CreativeRace will be answering marketing questions across its full spectrum of services – Social Media Advertising, PPC, Digital PR, SEO, Analytics, Creative, Strategy, PR and Social Media Management.